Often been surprised by a movie after what a film critic said about it? Ever felt cheated out of big bucks on the recommendations of a punk 24-year-old? Or really loved the ones they panned? Well, you no longer need to feel out of step with the current movie review band. Different Drummer is for you. Read more about our take on the film world. And get ready to relive your favorite movies with the recipes that follow each review. You can find many other great recipes in Different Drummer’s own Appetite for Murder: a Mystery Lover’s Cookbook, too.
The Quiet Man: Lamb Shanks Braised in Guinness Stout Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
/The Man Who Would Be King: Alexander the Great’s Skewered Lamb Recipe 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁
/Knowing that it would probably never get by the PC police today, we enjoy this film even more today; it has the delightful lure of forbidden fruit.
Read MoreThe Way Back: Polish Pierogi Casserole Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁
/If you can survive the freezing wind, the Russian criminal gangs running the barracks are ready to stab you for your threadbare sweater, and then there’re the mines, great sulfurous pits where every breath is a taste of fire. Those Cyrillic letters on the archway above the Siberian prison camp might as well say, “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”
Read MoreHostiles: Cheyenne Batter Bread Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁1/2
/Evil Under the Sun: Chicken Curry: Cari Poule Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁
/The Skeleton Key: Okra Gumbo Recipe 🥁🥁1/2
/Enjoy this classic "B" horror flick, but brace yourself for Hollywood skewering all things Southern as you lap up the chicken blood and bottled body parts. What’s not to like?
Read MorePatriot Games: English Trifle with Fresh Raspberries and Sherry Drizzle Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁
/Tom Clancy. Harrison Ford in his heyday. What’s not to like? Take a trip back a few decades to a world a little more sane. A narrative not preachy, not edgy, and completely devoid of the nihilism that seems to have taken up permanent residence in today’s Hollywood.
Read MoreThe Drop: Polish Potato Pancake Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁
/This is a low-key crime drama, so don’t expect shootouts, car chases, or steamy scenes of passion. Certainly not a blazing fire, not even a slow burn, just grey, barely warm ashes we are compelled to sift through. Ashes that remain long after the flame has died away.
Read MoreThe Day of the Jackal: French Bloody Mary Cocktail Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
/This classic 1973 thriller is not to be missed. Unlike the action-only thrillers we see nowadays, this fine film executes everything with the same precision and expertise of the Jackal himself.
Read MoreEye of the Needle: Scottish Tattie Soup Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁1/2
/This forgotten masterpiece has it all. A ruthless villain as charming as he is lethal. A dangerous mission that could alter the outcome of World War II. And romance, action and intrigue worthy of Hitchcock himself.
Read MoreJuror # 2: Nachos Southern Style 🥁 🥁 🥁 1/2
/A modern 12 Angry Men, but with a twist. Don’t expect the same wonderful acting or script as that 1957 classic, but director Clint Eastwood even at 94, puts our flawed human nature under the microscope once again.
Read MoreBlood Work: Burrito Zucchini Boat Recipe🥁🥁🥁1/2
/Ok, Dirty Harry can’t run anymore. He has a bad ticker and lives in forced retirement on a houseboat, the only excitement in his life exchanging pleasantries and an occasional beer with his houseboat neighbor, Buddy.
Read MoreJ. Edgar: Elegant Oyster Soup Recipe 🥁🥁🥁1/2
/Changeling: Hearty Bean Soup Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁
Red Eye: Frito Pie Recipe 🥁🥁🥁
/Get your Tex Mex on while you watch a great plane flick. No big names, no glitzy promos, but this 2005 summer surprise delivers everything the high profile thrillers promised without the pouty stars and their tabloid lives.
Read MoreNon-Stop: Roquefort-Baked Avocados Recipe 🥁🥁🥁
/It doesn’t have the gut-churning rage or the disquieting sense of uncertainty of his earlier films, but this intense Liam Neeson thriller delivers just what the title says it will.
Read MoreVienna Blood: Freud’s Favorite Dessert Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁1/2
/Season 4 does not disappoint. It is even more complex and far reaching than the previous series. Instead of self-contained episodes, we have a continuous string of events that test the characters as never before.
Read MoreThe Third Man: Café Vienna Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
/Savor what may be the most perfect film ever made. This Orson Welles/Joseph Cotton collaboration tops their earlier one, Citizen Kane, even though that one still gets the lion’s share of attention. Love, intrigue, treachery, and betrayal - it literally drips in atmosphere, never sacrificing the great story it has to tell to its dramatic brilliance and avant-garde film techniques.
Read MoreOn the Waterfront: Hoboken Happy Hour Recipe 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁